Mass warning systems
for ports

Mass warning systems for ports

Why build a mass warning system at ports

All major commercial ports are typical of a high concentration of people. This fact, when combined with many process-related, technological (leakage of harmful substances, chemical pollution, fires, and explosions), natural (storms, strong winds, tornadoes, or tsunamis), and terrorist threats, makes ports quite risky locations that require the use of state-of-the-art technology and reliable safety and security systems.

Mass warning systems for ports  Mass warning systems for ports

Why build a mass warning system at ports

All major commercial ports are typical of a high concentration of people. This fact, when combined with many process-related, technological (leakage of harmful substances, chemical pollution, fires, and explosions), natural (storms, strong winds, tornadoes, or tsunamis), and terrorist threats, makes ports quite risky locations that require the use of state-of-the-art technology and reliable safety and security systems.

Mass warning systems for ports  Mass warning systems for ports

Description of the solution of a mass warning system in a port

A powerful mass warning and notification system designed for ports and offered by the Telegrafia company usually consists of one to ten sirens, depending on the size of the port, and an autonomous and highly automated monitoring system. A comprehensive and intuitive control system is provided by the Vektra® software applications (such as SCADA, Warning, and Notification).

  • The unmanned monitoring system continuously monitors and evaluates various variables, such as wind speed or the presence of hazardous substances.
  • The acoustic warning system covers the port and its surroundings with a warning signal and serves:
    • for mass public warning and evacuation in case of danger,
    • for reporting emergencies (accidents, fires, tsunamis, and earthquakes).
  • The notification system promptly informs the responsible persons in the form of a voice or text message of the occurrence of an emergency. It saves valuable time for making the necessary decisions.

The port warning and notification system solution is designed to comply with the most stringent current standards set for its reliability and robustness, helping to meet all modern safety and security requirements of the 21st century.

Description of the solution of a mass warning system in a port

A powerful mass warning and notification system designed for ports and offered by the Telegrafia company usually consists of one to ten sirens, depending on the size of the port, and an autonomous and highly automated monitoring system. A comprehensive and intuitive control system is provided by the Vektra® software applications (such as SCADA, Warning, and Notification).

  • The unmanned monitoring system continuously monitors and evaluates various variables, such as wind speed or the presence of hazardous substances.
  • The acoustic warning system covers the port and its surroundings with a warning signal and serves:
    • for mass public warning and evacuation in case of danger,
    • for reporting emergencies (accidents, fires, tsunamis, and earthquakes).
  • The notification system promptly informs the responsible persons in the form of a voice or text message of the occurrence of an emergency. It saves valuable time for making the necessary decisions.

The port warning and notification system solution is designed to comply with the most stringent current standards set for its reliability and robustness, helping to meet all modern safety and security requirements of the 21st century.


EMA Compact monitoring station

The station measures the monitored values continuously, or regularly at specific intervals, ​​and evaluates the potential risks. If any threshold values ​​are detected, it sends the values ​​to the warning control centre, mobile phones, or directly activates electronic sirens or beacons.


Specialised sensors

These are used for monitoring various parameters (water levels, weather conditions, air pollutants, and others).



Electronic sirens

The electronic sirens cover a large area with an acoustic signal. They remain well-audible and intelligible even when reproducing the spoken word. Each siren can be activated individually or as part of a group and controlled locally or from the control centre.


The control centre

The control centre, equipped with the OCP16 Control panel or Vektra® software applications, automatically activates warning and notification in case of an emergency. The entire technology is perfectly safe and fully backed up.


Communications infrastructure

  • It ensures communications between the control centre and other elements of the port warning system
  • It allows the integration of the port early warning system into any superior warning system


Notification of the responsible persons, who are:

  • immediately informed of any emergency by telephone or SMS message,
  • summoned to work and rescue operations.


EMA Compact monitoring station

The station measures the monitored values continuously, or regularly at specific intervals, ​​and evaluates the potential risks. If any threshold values ​​are detected, it sends the values ​​to the warning control centre, mobile phones, or directly activates electronic sirens or beacons.

Specialised sensors

These are used for monitoring various parameters (water levels, weather conditions, air pollutants, and others).




Electronic sirens

The electronic sirens cover a large area with an acoustic signal. They remain well-audible and intelligible even when reproducing the spoken word. Each siren can be activated individually or as part of a group and controlled locally or from the control centre.


The control centre

The control centre, equipped with the OCP16 Control panel or Vektra® software applications, automatically activates warning and notification in case of an emergency. The entire technology is perfectly safe and fully backed up.



Komunikačná infraštruktúra,

  • zabezpečuje komunikáciu medzi riadiacim centrom a ostatnými prvkami varovného systému,
  • umožňuje pripojiť prístavný systém včasného varovania do nadriadeného varovného systému.


Vyrozumenie kompetentných osôb, ktoré sú:

  • okamžite informovaní o vzniku mimoriadnej udalosti telefonicky alebo SMS správou,
  • zvolávaní na pracoviská a záchranné operácie.

Advantages of Telegrafia’s solution

  • Independent coverage of the entire port area with a powerful acoustic warning sound
  • Sound coverage of the port and its surroundings even in its noisy zones
  • Live-voice announcements directly from a microphone or an external source
  • Playback of pre-recorded audio messages from the device digital memory or external sources (radio, telephone)
  • Automatic self-testing of the system with no need for staff assistance
  • Complete “silent” functionality tests of the sirens without spreading general panic in the port
  • Safe power supply from maintenance-free batteries, supplemented with optional solar panels
  • Connection possibilities to third-party systems

Advantages of Telegrafia’s solution

  • Independent coverage of the entire port area with a powerful acoustic warning sound
  • Sound coverage of the port and its surroundings even in its noisy zones
  • Live-voice announcements directly from a microphone or an external source
  • Playback of pre-recorded audio messages from the device digital memory or external sources (radio, telephone)
  • Automatic self-testing of the system with no need for staff assistance
  • Complete “silent” functionality tests of the sirens without spreading general panic in the port
  • Safe power supply from maintenance-free batteries, supplemented with optional solar panels
  • Connection possibilities to third-party systems